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Information from the spiritual world

The invisible helpers are our constant companions and

want to give you a lot of channeled information.


Channeled Texts

Let yourself be surprised !

As a medium, it is possible for me, even before the session begins, to have psychic texts dictated that are

interesting and important for your current life situation. Even if I don't know a person!

The information usually has a metaphorical character - yes, it is sometimes even poetic in nature.

This depends on the helpers. Get involved and enjoy what the universe has in store for you.

Most of the time, all of your questions that you had previously have already been answered with the information in the text. Even during the sessions, you will only receive information from space - the universe.

The readings and coachings are all of psychic nature. Years of experience are incorporated.


If you have confidence or even the necessary curiosity, then you have come to the right place.

It is the greatest joy in my life for me to help and accompany people, to free themself and to provide more clarity in ALL of their decisions.

Often it is only life situations that have to be mastered. Even if you don't have any specific questions, the psychic texts always point to what is important for you to find out at the moment.

Maybe you want to give such a session as a gift to your loved ones. For a birthday or for christmas.

You are giving something very special and in any case, it will be an extraordinary, exhilarating experience.


How can you imagine such a session?

First I will read you the whole text. You listen in a relaxed manner and let the relevant information affect you. After that, you will receive further explanations and details that will give you even more insight and a better overview. Normally this is the time to take notes.


The time, taken to write the information before the consultation begins, is individual and included in the fee of the session.


Usually it is 20-40 minutes, which I on top invest beforehand.


The session itself takes about 1 hour.




1 hour / 108,00 Euro

(It is possible to extend the session)


Please understand: A channeled text, including an explanation, is neither psychological nor therapeutic advice.



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